The Skye’s The Limit For Canine Life Ltd. is a proud supporter of Pet Trust’s, Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund, at the University of Guelph www.smilingblueskies.com, a fund devoted to providing financial assistance for the advancement of health, health care, and quality of life for companion animals. More than 120 studies into naturally-occurring diseases affecting companion animals, have been carried out with Pet Trust funds. Pet Trust is overseen by an independent Board of Trustees and is administered by the Dean of the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). To date, Pet Trust funds have been used for many special projects, including investigations into common health problems, the development of new diagnostics and therapeutic techniques, studies involving the human-animal bond and animal behaviour, and the upgrading of the Small Animal Clinic’s Intensive Care Unit. Receipts for tax credit purposes are issued for all contributions to OVC’s programs under the University of Guelph’s charitable status number.
Cancer is the most frequent cause of death in dogs. This is a truly frightening thought. It is a burden that we all share. In loving our dogs, whether pure breeds or mixed breeds, we want the very best for them in health and in sickness.
Every dollar donated to The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund (known officially as Pet Trust: In Memory of Blues) supports OVC’s quest to find more and better ways to deal with and understand this terrible disease. Pet Trust’s aim is to spend as much money as possible each year so that they are having the maximum impact and doing the most work possible. We have been told that in sharing Blues’s story, we have helped to raise awareness of Pet Trust and OVC’s fight against cancer. Thanks to you, we are making a difference.
It has been said that if we could hang all of our sorrows on pegs and were allowed to choose those we liked best, every one of us would take back their own, for all the rest would seem even more difficult to bear. Please help us to help our animal companions and change the punch line of the cruel joke we call cancer.
The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund is in loving memory of our beautiful Blues Man, who taught us the true meaning of being a show dog. He showed us how to live, love, laugh, and learn.
Here’s how you can help…
Please send your donations to:
“The Smiling Blue Skies Cancer Fund”